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person_profile-Shin Ae

Shin Ae Age: 43

Actor | Producer


Shin Ae

Date of Birth:

Mar 13, 1982

Country of birth:

South Korea

Biography of

Shin Ae

    Shin Ae (신애), born Jo Shin-ae (조신애), is a South Korean actress.

    Since 2009, Shin Ae-ra is married with Park Jae-kwan (a public figure of two years older than Shin-Ae).

    She has the first daughter in 2012, the second son in 2015.

    In Decembrer 2016, the third childen is born (a daughter).

Photos of

Shin Ae

Photos ( 2 Photos

Filmography of

Shin Ae

Found 2 Movies in total

Season In the Sun

Sister Bashilla ( Actor )

... 2003

... 2003