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person_profile-David Rohl

David Rohl

Actor | Producer


David Rohl

Country of birth:

Biography of

David Rohl

    Egyptologist, – Author ‘Exodus – Myth or History?

    Rohl is a British Egyptologist and former director of the Institute for the Study of Interdisciplinary Sciences. He is best known for his New Chronology first laid out in his book A Test of Time (1995), which revises the chronology of Ancient Egypt allowing for new alignments with biblical events. Rohl has an Egyptology degree from University College London and was Field Director of the Eastern Desert Survey in Egypt. A popular speaker, he is the author of several books and is also a producer, composer and musician.

Photos of

David Rohl

Photos ( 1 Photos

Filmography of

David Rohl

Found 6 Movies in total