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person_profile-Dug One

Dug One Age: 53

Actor | Producer


Dug One

Date of Birth:

Mar 30, 1971

Country of birth:

Biography of

Dug One

    Doug Cunningham and Jason Noto own Morning Breath, Inc.

    From the https://www.morningbreathinc.com/about page:

    In 1996, the two worked together as the in-house design department at Think Skateboards in San Francisco. There, they began a style of collaborating that would take them into the next decade.

    In 2002, Cunningham and Noto formalized their partnership with the creation of Morning Breath, Inc, a boutique studio located in Brooklyn, NY. Since Then, their collaborations have grown beyond skateboard/snowboard graphics to include, music packaging, apparel, advertising, poster design and more. The two have also been part of many showings of their personal work.

    Today, Doug and Jason split their creative energies and time between commercial and personal work. Over the last decade the two have been nominated for a Grammy, showcased in numerous design books/publications, and have been invited to speak about, and show their work around the globe.

Photos of

Dug One

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Filmography of

Dug One

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