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person_profile-Srilekha Parthasarathy

Srilekha Parthasarathy

Actor | Producer

Country of birth:


Biography of

Srilekha Parthasarathy

    Srilekha Parthasarathy is a Tamil singer who is commonly referred to by her first name Srilekha. She has a versatile voice, and has experienced an impressive success in other genres of music as well, including ghazals. Srilekha began her professional career in 2000, when she sang the scintilating Jingle for the "Idhayam Oil" advertisement, which was picturised on "Jothika". She describes the jingle as her ticket into the Tamil music industry.

    Srilekha was born in Tamil speaking family and brought up in Delhi. She completed her schooling from DTEA senior Secondary School, New Delhi. Being South Indian by birth, she learnt both North Indian and South Indian languages and music, as well as Western music. At the age of four, she won the first prize in the annual All India Children's Music Competition in New Delhi.

Photos of

Srilekha Parthasarathy

Photos ( 1 Photos

Filmography of

Srilekha Parthasarathy

Found 1 Movies in total

Kalyana Samayal Saadham

Raghu's aunt ( Actor )

... 2013