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person_profile-Volker Engel

Volker Engel Age: 60

Actor | Producer


Volker Engel

Date of Birth:

Feb 17, 1965

Country of birth:


Biography of

Volker Engel

    He is an Oscar and Emmy Award winning Visual Effects Supervisor, also produced, co-produced and executive produced several films and mini series. In 1998 Volker received the highest honor for a citizen of Germany, the Order of Merit medal, in Berlin. He has been given the title of Professor by the Senate of his home state Bremen. He is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, the British Academy for Film and Television Arts and the Producer's Guild.

Photos of

Volker Engel

Photos ( 1 Photos

Filmography of

Volker Engel

Found 1 Movies in total