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person_profile-Nina Companéez

Nina Companéez Died at age: 77

Actor | Producer

Date of Birth:

Aug 26, 1937

Country of birth:



Apr 09, 2015

Biography of

Nina Companéez

    Nina Companeez (26 August 1937 – 9 April 2015) was a French screenwriter and film director. Nina Companeez was the younger daughter of Russian Jewish émigré screenwriter Jacques Companéez and younger sister of contralto Irène Companeez. She was the mother of actress Valentine Varela.

    Companeez was a long time collaborator of Michel Deville. She wrote for 29 films and television shows. In April 2015, she died at the age of 77.

Photos of

Nina Companéez

Photos ( 1 Photos

Filmography of

Nina Companéez

Found 7 Movies in total