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person_profile-Mark Henn

Mark Henn Age: 66

Actor | Producer


Mark Henn

Date of Birth:

Apr 06, 1958

Country of birth:


Biography of

Mark Henn

    Disney animator, whose contributions to animation have included several Disney leading or title characters, most notably heroines. His work includes Princess Jasmine in Aladdin, Young Simba in The Lion King and Mulan in Mulan. He has also been animator of such films as 2007's Enchanted and the Goofy short How to Hook Up Your Home Theater. Additionally he directed the award-winning short film John Henry. Recently, he was the supervising animator of Princess Tiana in The Princess and the Frog.

Photos of

Mark Henn

Photos ( 1 Photos

Filmography of

Mark Henn

Found 2 Movies in total