Ghore Pherar Gaan 2023
Ghore Pherar Gaan
The film is an uplifting musical follows the journey of Tora (Ishaa Saha), a girl from the suburbs of Kolkata, to her marital home in London. Tora is in dissonance with the high-flying lives of her NRI doctor husband Ribhu and her council-woman mother-in-law Shanta, and thus starts searching for solace outside the bounds of her home. This is when Imran (Parambrata Chattopadhyay), enters her life and helps her embrace life on her own terms. The film closely portrays the lives of Bengalis in London and the alienation that is felt by new immigrants from abroad.
The film is an uplifting musical follows the journey of Tora (Ishaa Saha), a girl from the suburbs of Kolkata, to her marital home in London. Tora is in dissonance with the high-flying lives of her NRI doctor husband Ribhu and her council-woman mother-in-law Shanta, and thus starts searching for solace outside the bounds of her home. This is when Imran (Parambrata Chattopadhyay), enters her life and helps her embrace life on her own terms. The film closely portrays the lives of Bengalis in London and the alienation that is felt by new immigrants from abroad.
Videos & Photos
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Full Cast & CrewDirectors:
Release Date:
Mar 17, 2023 (India)
Run Time:
2hr 20`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Production Countries:
Cast & Crew of
Ghore Pherar Gaan - Ghore Pherar Gaan
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director
Produced By
... Producer
... Producer