The Green Vessel 2019
The Green Vessel
"The Green Vessel" tells the journey and the story of an old man on a river. Like a storyteller, he shares with us a story: the tale of a scientist who discovers a contaminated river and tries to understand the sources of this problem. Accompanied by an artist and a young guide, he pursues his research in remotes territories covered by a large forest. As the old narrator continues his tale, he engages himself in a long journey between river and vegetation, a quest that connects him to his own story.
"The Green Vessel" tells the journey and the story of an old man on a river. Like a storyteller, he shares with us a story: the tale of a scientist who discovers a contaminated river and tries to understand the sources of this problem. Accompanied by an artist and a young guide, he pursues his research in remotes territories covered by a large forest. As the old narrator continues his tale, he engages himself in a long journey between river and vegetation, a quest that connects him to his own story.
Videos & Photos
All 0 Videos & 1 Photoscast
Full Cast & CrewGenres:
Release Date:
Jul 19, 2019 (France)
Run Time:
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Production Countries:
Cast & Crew of
The Green Vessel
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director
... Assistant Director
Produced By
... Producer
... Associate Producer
... Producer