The Monster Kid: Invitation to Monster Land 1981
The Monster Kid: Invitation to Monster Land
Kaibutsu Taro, also known as Kaibutsu-kun, the prince of Monster Land. Hiroshi-kun, a human boy who is close to him, takes advantage of winter vacation to head to Kaibutsu-kun's hometown, Monster Land. However, humans are strictly prohibited from visiting Monster Land, and Hiroshi-kun, who breaks the rules, is turned into stone by the power of the eyes of Kaibutsu-kun's father, the Monster King! Kaibutsu-kun goes to retrieve the secret medicine "Flower of Life" in order to restore Hiroshi-kun to his normal state. But that flower...
Kaibutsu Taro, also known as Kaibutsu-kun, the prince of Monster Land. Hiroshi-kun, a human boy who is close to him, takes advantage of winter vacation to head to Kaibutsu-kun's hometown, Monster Land. However, humans are strictly prohibited from visiting Monster Land, and Hiroshi-kun, who breaks the rules, is turned into stone by the power of the eyes of Kaibutsu-kun's father, the Monster King! Kaibutsu-kun goes to retrieve the secret medicine "Flower of Life" in order to restore Hiroshi-kun to his normal state. But that flower...
Videos & Photos
All 0 Videos & 2 Photoscast
Full Cast & CrewDirectors:
Release Date:
Jan 01, 1981 (Japan)
Run Time:
1hr 15`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Production Countries:
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Cast & Crew of
The Monster Kid: Invitation to Monster Land - The Monster Kid: Invitation to Monster Land
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director