Attack of the Giant Teacher 2019
Attack of the Giant Teacher
ATTACK OF THE GIANT TEACHER is a classic style tokusatsu film that tells the story of Kenzo Miyazawa, an earnest teacher who works at a night school. His class is filled with unique and slightly odd students. Suddenly, the night school witnesses a drop in student numbers and has no choice but to shut down by the end of the year. Mr. Miyazawa’s class decides to create a musical for the school’s last festival. Then, an alien beast invades Earth and begins destroying the town. Mr. Miyazawa challenges the alien beast to a fight.
ATTACK OF THE GIANT TEACHER is a classic style tokusatsu film that tells the story of Kenzo Miyazawa, an earnest teacher who works at a night school. His class is filled with unique and slightly odd students. Suddenly, the night school witnesses a drop in student numbers and has no choice but to shut down by the end of the year. Mr. Miyazawa’s class decides to create a musical for the school’s last festival. Then, an alien beast invades Earth and begins destroying the town. Mr. Miyazawa challenges the alien beast to a fight.
Videos & Photos
All 1 Videos & 2 Photoscast
Full Cast & CrewDirectors:
Release Date:
Jul 13, 2019 (Japan)
Run Time:
1hr 10`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Production Countries:
Plot Keywords:
Cast & Crew of
Attack of the Giant Teacher - Attack of the Giant Teacher
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director
... Kenzo Miyazawa
Naomi Hase... Naomi Nagaya
Tomoya Osawa...
Meguri Ozora...
Myu Ozawa...
Aoi Kuga...