Ådalens poesi 1947
Ådalens poesi
The farmers Zackris Månsson and the Kerstorps-farmer lives on each side of the river. The two villages has always been enemies. The Kerstorps-farmer dies after a beating caused by Zachris. The son Olle takes over the farm and becomes a good farmer. He has a reputation of a fancying women, but the only women he has eyes for is Zachris daughter.
The farmers Zackris Månsson and the Kerstorps-farmer lives on each side of the river. The two villages has always been enemies. The Kerstorps-farmer dies after a beating caused by Zachris. The son Olle takes over the farm and becomes a good farmer. He has a reputation of a fancying women, but the only women he has eyes for is Zachris daughter.
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Release Date:
Dec 26, 1947
Run Time:
1hr 24`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:

Cast & Crew of
Ådalens poesi
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director