Introduction à l'art océanien 1989
Introduction à l'art océanien
The space of the museum as the visitor travels through it is a long sentence of sleep. But if suddenly this sleep is interrupted, if this space is torn apart, if the hydrometric devices go haywire, then like a sleepwalker who is awakened at the edge of a roof, the object decomposes as everything has decomposed before it. which allowed it to exist. When tuberoses decompose, Zola notes, they smell human.
The space of the museum as the visitor travels through it is a long sentence of sleep. But if suddenly this sleep is interrupted, if this space is torn apart, if the hydrometric devices go haywire, then like a sleepwalker who is awakened at the edge of a roof, the object decomposes as everything has decomposed before it. which allowed it to exist. When tuberoses decompose, Zola notes, they smell human.
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Release Date:
Jan 01, 1989
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Introduction à l'art océanien
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... Director