Kepong Gangster 2012
Kepong Gangster
Dubbed the "Five Tigers", Malaysian actors Melvin Sia, Henley Hii, Hero Tai, Rayz Lim and Billy Ng portray secondary school students who end up joining gangs for different reasons, including protection from bullies, financial problems, power struggles and various other temptations.
Dubbed the "Five Tigers", Malaysian actors Melvin Sia, Henley Hii, Hero Tai, Rayz Lim and Billy Ng portray secondary school students who end up joining gangs for different reasons, including protection from bullies, financial problems, power struggles and various other temptations.
Videos & Photos
All 1 Videos & 1 Photoscast
Full Cast & CrewCast & Crew of
Kepong Gangster - Kepong Gangster
Directors & Credit Writers
Teng Bee... Director