Mr Yin-Yang 2023
Mr Yin-Yang
There was once a man named Yin XIII, who was known for helping the suffering. According to rumors, he was good at solving supernatural phenomena and knew how to drive away evil spirits. Yin saw what ordinary people could not see. One day, he was invited into the Lin family home to solve the mystery of the ghost footprints.
There was once a man named Yin XIII, who was known for helping the suffering. According to rumors, he was good at solving supernatural phenomena and knew how to drive away evil spirits. Yin saw what ordinary people could not see. One day, he was invited into the Lin family home to solve the mystery of the ghost footprints.
Videos & Photos
All 0 Videos & 3 Photoscast
Full Cast & Crew... Yin Shisan
Cast & Crew of
Mr Yin-Yang - Mr Yin-Yang
Directors & Credit Writers
Tao Zhang... Director
... Yin Shisan