Bozo 2013
Set in Nagano Prefecture, the movie stars Shingo Mizusawa (8000 Miles) as an awkward 28-year-old temporary factory worker named Kaji; a character partially modeled after the perpetrator of the 2008 Akihabara massacre. His social interactions are limited to his postings on internet message boards until he starts hanging out with a co-worker named Tanaka (Shohei Uno) who suffers from the debilitating sleep disorder narcolepsy. The pair become involved in a predicament when they attempt to protect a girl named named Yuri (Ai Tamura) from their other co-worker Okada (Yasushi Fuchikami).
Set in Nagano Prefecture, the movie stars Shingo Mizusawa (8000 Miles) as an awkward 28-year-old temporary factory worker named Kaji; a character partially modeled after the perpetrator of the 2008 Akihabara massacre. His social interactions are limited to his postings on internet message boards until he starts hanging out with a co-worker named Tanaka (Shohei Uno) who suffers from the debilitating sleep disorder narcolepsy. The pair become involved in a predicament when they attempt to protect a girl named named Yuri (Ai Tamura) from their other co-worker Okada (Yasushi Fuchikami).
Videos & Photos
All 0 Videos & 2 Photoscast
Full Cast & CrewDirectors:
Release Date:
Mar 16, 2013 (Japan)
Run Time:
2hr 10`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Production Countries:
Cast & Crew of
Bozo - Bozo
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director