Bliss 2006
The film follows a family in the central Chinese city of Chongqing made up of retired policeman Li (He Xingquan), his second wife Zhang (Guan Jiangge) and their two sons from former marriages. Neither of the younger generation are doing too well, with Li’s son Jianjun (Liao Zhong) working long hours as a taxi driver, putting strain on his new marriage, and Zhang’s son Xiaolei (Xu Tao) running wild with a gang of hooligans. After Li is sent the ashes of his ex-wife, he begins the search for a new family burial plot, at the same time trying to hold their lives together.
The film follows a family in the central Chinese city of Chongqing made up of retired policeman Li (He Xingquan), his second wife Zhang (Guan Jiangge) and their two sons from former marriages. Neither of the younger generation are doing too well, with Li’s son Jianjun (Liao Zhong) working long hours as a taxi driver, putting strain on his new marriage, and Zhang’s son Xiaolei (Xu Tao) running wild with a gang of hooligans. After Li is sent the ashes of his ex-wife, he begins the search for a new family burial plot, at the same time trying to hold their lives together.
Videos & Photos
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Full Cast & CrewDirectors:
Release Date:
Aug 10, 2006 (China)
Run Time:
1hr 36`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Production Countries: