Kung Fu Hip-Hop 2008
Kung Fu Hip-Hop
Plot revolves around the story of young passion and the art of Hip-hop DJ. In addition to the performances and DJs hip-hop virtuosity, movie content also reflects the efforts of the characters, expressing their opinion about love, ideals as well as passion and enthusiasm age children.
Plot revolves around the story of young passion and the art of Hip-hop DJ. In addition to the performances and DJs hip-hop virtuosity, movie content also reflects the efforts of the characters, expressing their opinion about love, ideals as well as passion and enthusiasm age children.
Videos & Photos
All 0 Videos & 1 Photoscast
Full Cast & CrewDirectors:
Release Date:
Jun 01, 2008 (Hong Kong)
Run Time:
1hr 40`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Production Countries:
Hong Kong

Cast & Crew of
Kung Fu Hip-Hop - Kung Fu Hip-Hop
Directors & Credit Writers
Fu Huayang... Director