Nor Noise 2004
Nor Noise
Nor Noise is the first norwegian documentary about noise music. Movie Maker Tom Hovinbøle has from the start in 2001 interviewed a number of artists in the noise genre. The artists relay their thoughts on the phenomenon of noise music - what is it, where does it come from, what is the trade off when replacing traditional harmony and melody for pure audio experience, which possibilities can be explored? The movie explains the historical context of the genre, from the movement of Futurism and Luigi Russolo from before WWI to electronic experiments in the fifties, avantgarde in the sixties, industry and punk in the seventies to the final establishment of the noise genre at the end of the seventies in Japan. Adding to the flavour are concert performances.
Nor Noise is the first norwegian documentary about noise music. Movie Maker Tom Hovinbøle has from the start in 2001 interviewed a number of artists in the noise genre. The artists relay their thoughts on the phenomenon of noise music - what is it, where does it come from, what is the trade off when replacing traditional harmony and melody for pure audio experience, which possibilities can be explored? The movie explains the historical context of the genre, from the movement of Futurism and Luigi Russolo from before WWI to electronic experiments in the fifties, avantgarde in the sixties, industry and punk in the seventies to the final establishment of the noise genre at the end of the seventies in Japan. Adding to the flavour are concert performances.
Videos & Photos
All 0 Videos & 1 Photoscast
Full Cast & Crew... Himself
Tore Honoré Bøe... Himself
David Cotner... Himself
... Himself
... Himself
Asbjørn Flø... Himself
Release Date:
Jul 01, 2004 (Norway)
Run Time:
1hr 55`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Production Countries:
Cast & Crew of
Nor Noise
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director
... Himself
Tore Honoré Bøe... Himself
David Cotner... Himself
... Himself
... Himself
Asbjørn Flø... Himself
... Herself
... Himself
Helge Sten... Himself
... Self
... Himself
Produced By
... Producer