Transfers 2024
"Traslados" is a compelling documentary that investigates the notorious "Death Flights" conducted during Argentina's last civic-military dictatorship (1976-1983). Through powerful testimonies from former detainees, victims' families, and experts, along with archival footage, animations, and emotional recreations, the film pieces together the intricate puzzle of evidence that confirms the regime's brutal methods of murder and forced disappearance. Key moments featured include the discovery of the body of French nun Leonnie Duquet, the infiltration of military officer Alfredo Astiz into the Madres de Plaza de Mayo group, and an interview with Nobel Peace Prize laureate Adolfo Pérez Esquivel. The documentary also highlights the significant event of a plane used in the "Death Flights" returning to Argentina in 2023, serving as a poignant reminder of this dark chapter in history.
"Traslados" is a compelling documentary that investigates the notorious "Death Flights" conducted during Argentina's last civic-military dictatorship (1976-1983). Through powerful testimonies from former detainees, victims' families, and experts, along with archival footage, animations, and emotional recreations, the film pieces together the intricate puzzle of evidence that confirms the regime's brutal methods of murder and forced disappearance. Key moments featured include the discovery of the body of French nun Leonnie Duquet, the infiltration of military officer Alfredo Astiz into the Madres de Plaza de Mayo group, and an interview with Nobel Peace Prize laureate Adolfo Pérez Esquivel. The documentary also highlights the significant event of a plane used in the "Death Flights" returning to Argentina in 2023, serving as a poignant reminder of this dark chapter in history.
Videos & Photos
All 1 Videos & 1 Photoscast
Full Cast & CrewDirectors:
Release Date:
Sep 05, 2024 (Argentina,Uruguay)
Run Time:
1hr 30`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Production Countries:
Cast & Crew of
Transfers - Transfers
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director
Produced By
... Executive Producer