How I Got My Mink 1969
How I Got My Mink
Rich and rebellious siblings Nick and Donna defy their affluent upbringing by moving out on their own and making an underground movie about the loose sexual mores of the 60's San Francisco youth scene. Donna conducts random interviews with people on the street and experiments with lesbianism while Philip participates in a threesome with two women he's filming.
Rich and rebellious siblings Nick and Donna defy their affluent upbringing by moving out on their own and making an underground movie about the loose sexual mores of the 60's San Francisco youth scene. Donna conducts random interviews with people on the street and experiments with lesbianism while Philip participates in a threesome with two women he's filming.
Videos & Photos
All 0 Videos & 2 Photoscast
Full Cast & CrewDirectors:
Release Date:
Jun 27, 1969
Run Time:
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Cast & Crew of
How I Got My Mink
Directors & Credit Writers
Nick Millard... Director