Jewel of Jeopardy 2010
Jewel of Jeopardy
Linda Martinez stars in this sequel to the horror series, which relishes in colorful detail the misadventures of Sherry Frankenstein. Made with my students at the San Francisco Art Institute, the viewer is plunged into a world of young and old as they tackle the monsters within and without. Chock full of entergetic scenes filled with all the opulence that only $600 could purchase, this epic of good gone bad will stun you with its massive verbosity and visual voracity. The plot deals with Ms. Frankenstein's mission to save the body and souls of strumpets in heat. She leads them to a house for wayward women, which has been erected to the memory of her departed husband (who was a fallen man of the cloth). Unfortunately, the house belongs to Dracula.
Linda Martinez stars in this sequel to the horror series, which relishes in colorful detail the misadventures of Sherry Frankenstein. Made with my students at the San Francisco Art Institute, the viewer is plunged into a world of young and old as they tackle the monsters within and without. Chock full of entergetic scenes filled with all the opulence that only $600 could purchase, this epic of good gone bad will stun you with its massive verbosity and visual voracity. The plot deals with Ms. Frankenstein's mission to save the body and souls of strumpets in heat. She leads them to a house for wayward women, which has been erected to the memory of her departed husband (who was a fallen man of the cloth). Unfortunately, the house belongs to Dracula.
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Release Date:
Jan 01, 2010
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MMPA Rating:
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Cast & Crew of
Jewel of Jeopardy
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director