Secret Advisor 1988
Secret Advisor
The heroes of the film are builders. They accidentally pull out a coffin from under the ground, which contains the remains of a secret adviser. The counselor, resurrected, easily oriented, assimilates the rules of the new times and, climbing the ranks of life, causes enough unpleasantness to his rescuers.
The heroes of the film are builders. They accidentally pull out a coffin from under the ground, which contains the remains of a secret adviser. The counselor, resurrected, easily oriented, assimilates the rules of the new times and, climbing the ranks of life, causes enough unpleasantness to his rescuers.
Videos & Photos
All 0 Videos & 1 Photoscast
Full Cast & CrewGenres:
Release Date:
Jul 13, 1988
Run Time:
1hr 28`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Cast & Crew of
Secret Advisor - Secret Advisor
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director
Zh. Barsoyan... Assistant Director