Producer of Heaven 2013
Producer of Heaven
A young producer offers a wonderful work to a young singer. The singer skillfully revives it and presents it to the public, but Enkhnaran's teammates, Temuen and Solongo, reveal the true nature of the young producer, who is like a celestial. The story of the film unfolds as the young man, who is called "the producer of the sky", is actually Tamiraa, a young mobile phone repairman with an ordinary life who is infatuated with Enkhnaran.
A young producer offers a wonderful work to a young singer. The singer skillfully revives it and presents it to the public, but Enkhnaran's teammates, Temuen and Solongo, reveal the true nature of the young producer, who is like a celestial. The story of the film unfolds as the young man, who is called "the producer of the sky", is actually Tamiraa, a young mobile phone repairman with an ordinary life who is infatuated with Enkhnaran.
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Full Cast & Crew... Tamir
Cast & Crew of
Producer of Heaven - Producer of Heaven
... Tamir
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Producer of Heaven - Producer of Heaven
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