The Elephant Got Lost 1984
The Elephant Got Lost
The fire in the circus scared the elephant Chandu, and he ran away. Soon, the forester's son Egor discovers Chandu, exhausted and wounded by poachers, and nurses him back to health. It's hard for him to break up with his new friend now...
The fire in the circus scared the elephant Chandu, and he ran away. Soon, the forester's son Egor discovers Chandu, exhausted and wounded by poachers, and nurses him back to health. It's hard for him to break up with his new friend now...
Videos & Photos
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Release Date:
Oct 12, 1984
Run Time:
1hr 14`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:

Cast & Crew of
The Elephant Got Lost - The Elephant Got Lost
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director