Bob Nudd guide to Whip Fishing
Bob Nudd guide to Whip Fishing
There is no better method for fast and active coarse fishing than on the "Whip". Both pleasure and match anglers can truly benefit from joining four times world Coarse Angling Chanpion bob Nudd, as he "bags up" at the superb Meadowlands Fisheries in the West Midlands. Filmed in early April, Bob shows that the techniques that have taken him to the top of the match fishing world are not limited by season, water temperature or conditions as he explains in his usual effective and entertaining style his personal approach to successful Whip Fishing.
There is no better method for fast and active coarse fishing than on the "Whip". Both pleasure and match anglers can truly benefit from joining four times world Coarse Angling Chanpion bob Nudd, as he "bags up" at the superb Meadowlands Fisheries in the West Midlands. Filmed in early April, Bob shows that the techniques that have taken him to the top of the match fishing world are not limited by season, water temperature or conditions as he explains in his usual effective and entertaining style his personal approach to successful Whip Fishing.
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Bob Nudd guide to Whip Fishing
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Liam Dale... Director
Bob Nudd MBE...