The Watchman 1967

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The Watchman

In a suspenseful and dramatic setting, the story unfolds around a night guard who develops feelings for a beautiful widow in the neighborhood he watches over during the night. In the same residence, a painter resides who creates a painting for her. Believing there is a connection between the painter and the widow, the night guard proposes to her, but she rejects him. Subsequently, a burglary occurs in the house, resulting in the theft of the painting. However, a fire breaks out in the night guard's own house, ultimately aiding in the revelation of his crime.

In a suspenseful and dramatic setting, the story unfolds around a night guard who develops feelings for a beautiful widow in the neighborhood he watches over during the night. In the same residence, a painter resides who creates a painting for her. Believing there is a connection between the painter and the widow, the night guard proposes to her, but she rejects him. Subsequently, a burglary occurs in the house, resulting in the theft of the painting. However, a fire breaks out in the night guard's own house, ultimately aiding in the revelation of his crime.

Videos & Photos

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Khalil Shawki

Release Date:

Jul 31, 1967 (Iraq)

Run Time:

1hr 25`

MMPA Rating:

Original Language:


Production Countries:




Cast & Crew of

The Watchman - The Watchman

Directors & Credit Writers

... Director


Videos & Photos of

The Watchman - The Watchman

Photos ( 1 )