Friedrich II. - Der Staufer: Der ewige Kampf mit dem Papst 2019
Friedrich II. - Der Staufer: Der ewige Kampf mit dem Papst
Frederick II of Hohenstaufen was a highly significant German king and Holy Roman emperor. Raised in Sicily, he was a sponsor of science, a reformer, perhaps even the first modern ruler. But Frederick could also be a brutal tyrant. He had his son Heinrich rot in the dungeon, for his imperial honour went before everything else.
Frederick II of Hohenstaufen was a highly significant German king and Holy Roman emperor. Raised in Sicily, he was a sponsor of science, a reformer, perhaps even the first modern ruler. But Frederick could also be a brutal tyrant. He had his son Heinrich rot in the dungeon, for his imperial honour went before everything else.
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Release Date:
Nov 16, 2019 (Germany)
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Cast & Crew of
Friedrich II. - Der Staufer: Der ewige Kampf mit dem Papst
Directors & Credit Writers
Markus Augé... Director