The Tale of Genji 1991
The Tale of Genji
TV movie based on the novel "The Tale of Genji" by Murasaki Shikibu, which tells about the life of Prince Hikaru Genji, who was nicknamed "Shining" by people for his dazzling noble beauty. In 1991, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of TBS' founding, it was released with a total production value of around 1.2 billion yen and aired in two parts.
TV movie based on the novel "The Tale of Genji" by Murasaki Shikibu, which tells about the life of Prince Hikaru Genji, who was nicknamed "Shining" by people for his dazzling noble beauty. In 1991, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of TBS' founding, it was released with a total production value of around 1.2 billion yen and aired in two parts.
Videos & Photos
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Release Date:
Dec 27, 1991 (Japan)
Run Time:
6hr 30`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Production Countries:
Plot Keywords:
Cast & Crew of
The Tale of Genji - The Tale of Genji
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director
Produced By
Fukuko Ishii... Producer