Senyum di Pagi Bulan Desember 1974
Senyum di Pagi Bulan Desember
Filled with surrealistic dream scenes, this fairy-tale-like film sees Buang, Bernardus, and Bakar, three prisoners who run away during a prison revolt. They meet Bunga, a small lonely girl whose parents are busy with work, and whose house is secluded from the neighbours. This meeting transforms the prisoners, into normal decent persons. Happy to find new friends, Bunga steals food from her house for the three new friends. The fairy tale ends when the three convicts are recaptured.
Filled with surrealistic dream scenes, this fairy-tale-like film sees Buang, Bernardus, and Bakar, three prisoners who run away during a prison revolt. They meet Bunga, a small lonely girl whose parents are busy with work, and whose house is secluded from the neighbours. This meeting transforms the prisoners, into normal decent persons. Happy to find new friends, Bunga steals food from her house for the three new friends. The fairy tale ends when the three convicts are recaptured.
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Senyum di Pagi Bulan Desember
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