Saving Mother 1984
Saving Mother
Another classic film from Shanghai Animation Film Studio, "Saving Mother" was one of the most popular animations in China. The story is based on the traditional Chinese folklore about a boy named Chen Xiang. His mother was a goddess and his father a mortal. His uncle, Erlang Shen, punished Chen Xiang's parents because their marriage was against the rules of the heavens. Chen Xiang's mother was locked in a mountain until her son split the mountain and saved her.
Another classic film from Shanghai Animation Film Studio, "Saving Mother" was one of the most popular animations in China. The story is based on the traditional Chinese folklore about a boy named Chen Xiang. His mother was a goddess and his father a mortal. His uncle, Erlang Shen, punished Chen Xiang's parents because their marriage was against the rules of the heavens. Chen Xiang's mother was locked in a mountain until her son split the mountain and saved her.
Videos & Photos
All 0 Videos & 2 Photoscast
Full Cast & CrewJD
Jianhua Ding... (voice)
... (voice)
Rong Hong... (voice)
Zhen Qiao... (voice)
... (voice)
Xiangtong Wu... (voice)
Cast & Crew of
Saving Mother - Saving Mother
Directors & Credit Writers
Jianhua Ding... (voice)
... (voice)
Rong Hong... (voice)
Zhen Qiao... (voice)
... (voice)
Xiangtong Wu... (voice)
Produced By
Wenchang Jin... Producer
Airu Guan... Producer