The Bowler and the Bunnet 1967

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The Bowler and the Bunnet

Sean Connery examines the gap and suspicion in the relationship between management and workers in industry, and shows how one Scottish shipyard is trying to change that and what could well be a blueprint for other companies to follow.

Sean Connery examines the gap and suspicion in the relationship between management and workers in industry, and shows how one Scottish shipyard is trying to change that and what could well be a blueprint for other companies to follow.

Videos & Photos

All 0 Videos & 1 Photos

Sean Connery

Release Date:

Jul 18, 1967

Run Time:


MMPA Rating:

Original Language:




Cast & Crew of

The Bowler and the Bunnet

Directors & Credit Writers

... Director


Produced By

... Producer

... Producer

Videos & Photos of

The Bowler and the Bunnet

Photos ( 1 )