Inhumanity 2001

imdb-logo 2.9 / 10


A killer is doing his thing and detectives are investigating the murders that are possibly connected to a sexual assault. Watch Diff'rent Strokes' Todd Bridges unwind at a strip club (what you talkin' 'bout Willis?), marvel as aspect ratios change and film stock turns to digital video and back, and feel your brain turn to mush as Todd and Faizon Love (possibly the most unlikable duo in filmdom) turn in some of the worst off the cuff dialog ever. Is the rapist/murderer the stuttering gardener? Who cares.

A killer is doing his thing and detectives are investigating the murders that are possibly connected to a sexual assault. Watch Diff'rent Strokes' Todd Bridges unwind at a strip club (what you talkin' 'bout Willis?), marvel as aspect ratios change and film stock turns to digital video and back, and feel your brain turn to mush as Todd and Faizon Love (possibly the most unlikable duo in filmdom) turn in some of the worst off the cuff dialog ever. Is the rapist/murderer the stuttering gardener? Who cares.

Videos & Photos

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Carl Jackson

Release Date:

Apr 17, 2001

Run Time:

1hr 18`

MMPA Rating:

Original Language:




Cast & Crew of


Directors & Credit Writers

... Director


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