In a world emerging from the Black Death, one ambitious priest faces the fury of a corrupt church as he struggles to maintain his integrity. "Morningstar" tells the story of John Wycliffe: maybe the most influential Christian of the medieval world. Living 150 years before Martin Luther, John Wycliffe has been called the "Morning Star of the Reformation". As the planet Venus appears on the horizon just before dawn, so John Wycliffe appeared in Europe just before the reawakening of Christianity in the 16th century. In "Morningstar", we follow in his footsteps as Wycliffe takes on the mammoth medieval powers of church and state.
In a world emerging from the Black Death, one ambitious priest faces the fury of a corrupt church as he struggles to maintain his integrity. "Morningstar" tells the story of John Wycliffe: maybe the most influential Christian of the medieval world. Living 150 years before Martin Luther, John Wycliffe has been called the "Morning Star of the Reformation". As the planet Venus appears on the horizon just before dawn, so John Wycliffe appeared in Europe just before the reawakening of Christianity in the 16th century. In "Morningstar", we follow in his footsteps as Wycliffe takes on the mammoth medieval powers of church and state.
Videos & Photos
All 0 Videos & 3 Photoscast
Full Cast & Crew... John Wycliffe
... William Courteney
... John of Gaunt
... Archbishop Sudbury
Cast & Crew of
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director
... John Wycliffe
... William Courteney
... John of Gaunt
... Archbishop Sudbury