Car of Dreams 1935
Car of Dreams
Produced by the highly acclaimed Michael Balcon, the story revolves around Robert, the son of the owner of a musical instrument factory. He is in love with Vera, one of the factory workers, who is unaware of his position. So when she jokes one day that she would love a Rolls-Royce, Robert makes sure that she gets one. Then he decides to raise her salary out of all proportion to hint at who he is...
Produced by the highly acclaimed Michael Balcon, the story revolves around Robert, the son of the owner of a musical instrument factory. He is in love with Vera, one of the factory workers, who is unaware of his position. So when she jokes one day that she would love a Rolls-Royce, Robert makes sure that she gets one. Then he decides to raise her salary out of all proportion to hint at who he is...
Videos & Photos
All 0 Videos & 1 Photoscast
Full Cast & Crew... Robert Miller
... Vera Hart
Norah Howard... Anne Fisher
... Henry Butterworth
Mark Lester... Miller Snr.
... Mrs. Hart
User reviews
See All 1 Reviews19 Jun 2022 by CinemaSerf
This has a certain charming serendipity to it - and coupled with some quite witty banter and a few decent numbers, is quite a pleasant little romantic comedy. When John Mills ("Robert") espies the young "Vera" (Grete Mosheim) looking into a car dealership imagining what it would be like to own a Rolls-Royce, he takes a bit of shine to her and (as his father owns the factory) contrives to have her win a mystery competition with the car as the prize! The couple begin to date and he to help her at work - much to the chagrin of her colleagues who (unlike her) know the true identity of her new benefactor. The leads to the inevitable jumping to some pretty erroneous - well, premature at any rate - conclusions. John Mills manages to hold a tune ok as their romance begins to blossom, Mosheim has a naive innocence that is pleasingly engaging and there's also a fun contribution from Robertson Hare, too. It features some lovely cars and costumes and a script that occasionally raises a smile. The production is basic, but efficient, and it passes 70 minutes easily enough.
Release Date:
Jan 09, 1935 (United Kingdom)
Run Time:
1hr 12`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Production Countries:
United Kingdom
Related Movies To
Car of Dreams
This has a certain charming serendipity to it - and coupled with some quite witty banter and a few decent numbers, is quite a pleasant little romantic comedy. When John Mills ("Robert") espies the young "Vera" (Grete Mosheim) looking into a car dealership imagining what it would be like to own a Rolls-Royce, he takes a bit of shine to her and (as his father owns the factory) contrives to have her win a mystery competition with the car as the prize! The couple begin to date and he to help her at work - much to the chagrin of her colleagues who (unlike her) know the true identity of her new benefactor. The leads to the inevitable jumping to some pretty erroneous - well, premature at any rate - conclusions. John Mills manages to hold a tune ok as their romance begins to blossom, Mosheim has a naive innocence that is pleasingly engaging and there's also a fun contribution from Robertson Hare, too. It features some lovely cars and costumes and a script that occasionally raises a smile. The production is basic, but efficient, and it passes 70 minutes easily enough.
Cast & Crew of
Car of Dreams
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director
Graham Cutts... Director
... Robert Miller
... Vera Hart
Norah Howard... Anne Fisher
... Henry Butterworth
Mark Lester... Miller Snr.
... Mrs. Hart
... Molly
Jack Hobbs... Peters
Hay Plumb... Chauffeur
Produced By
... Producer