My Love 1940
My Love
When Shura's sister dies, Shura starts taking care of her newly orphaned niece. Her fiancee, Grisha thinks the child may be Shura's own, and his suspicions estrange them. This leaves the way clear for a shy neighbor who has loved her from afar to gain points as a potential mate. Stenberg's design is simple and effective - a strongly-colored portrait of the pensive heroine at a table that provides space for the title and limited credits.
When Shura's sister dies, Shura starts taking care of her newly orphaned niece. Her fiancee, Grisha thinks the child may be Shura's own, and his suspicions estrange them. This leaves the way clear for a shy neighbor who has loved her from afar to gain points as a potential mate. Stenberg's design is simple and effective - a strongly-colored portrait of the pensive heroine at a table that provides space for the title and limited credits.
Videos & Photos
All 0 Videos & 2 Photoscast
Full Cast & Crew... Shura
... Lyosha
... Grisha
Release Date:
Jul 09, 1940
Run Time:
1hr 20`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Plot Keywords:
Cast & Crew of
My Love - My Love
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director