Josh 2009
Rockey, the son of a middle-class couple, falls in love with Meena and ignores his studies. While his friends pass with flying colors, Rockey is love-struck. When he comes to know he cannot win over Meena, he falls in love with Meera who also rejects him. Aside from Rockey's path, "Josh" also follows Robo Meena, Meera, and Sneha's path who struggle with their studies. In this coming-of-age story, the decisions each student takes will drastically impact who they become by the end of the film.
Rockey, the son of a middle-class couple, falls in love with Meena and ignores his studies. While his friends pass with flying colors, Rockey is love-struck. When he comes to know he cannot win over Meena, he falls in love with Meera who also rejects him. Aside from Rockey's path, "Josh" also follows Robo Meena, Meera, and Sneha's path who struggle with their studies. In this coming-of-age story, the decisions each student takes will drastically impact who they become by the end of the film.
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