Impostors 1979
One of Mark Rappaport's later narratives (which won the Gold Hugo for Best First Feature at the Chicago International Film Festival in 1979), Impostors is an off-kilter comedy/mystery focused on two magicians trying to find Egyptian jewels, their promiscuous assistant, and a man who loves the assistant.
One of Mark Rappaport's later narratives (which won the Gold Hugo for Best First Feature at the Chicago International Film Festival in 1979), Impostors is an off-kilter comedy/mystery focused on two magicians trying to find Egyptian jewels, their promiscuous assistant, and a man who loves the assistant.
Videos & Photos
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Full Cast & CrewDirectors:
Release Date:
Mar 16, 1979 (United States)
Run Time:
1hr 50`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Production Countries:
United States

Cast & Crew of
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director