Project Space 13 2021
Project Space 13
The movie follows Nate, an emerging performance artist, who finally gets a coveted show at a Manhattan gallery, but right when he begins his provocative piece, the entire city shuts down for COVID-19. Unswayed, he locks himself in the white cube space to continue his performance for an audience of none. As tensions flare outside, the gallery hires private security to watch over him and his art. Over the course of one night, two armed guards and Nate argue about everything, reveal their darkest secrets, and prepare for the worst.
The movie follows Nate, an emerging performance artist, who finally gets a coveted show at a Manhattan gallery, but right when he begins his provocative piece, the entire city shuts down for COVID-19. Unswayed, he locks himself in the white cube space to continue his performance for an audience of none. As tensions flare outside, the gallery hires private security to watch over him and his art. Over the course of one night, two armed guards and Nate argue about everything, reveal their darkest secrets, and prepare for the worst.
Videos & Photos
All 1 Videos & 3 Photoscast
Full Cast & CrewDirectors:
Release Date:
Dec 03, 2021 (United States)
Run Time:
1hr 7`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Production Countries:
United States
Cast & Crew of
Project Space 13
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director