Account of the Ando Gang: Tale of a Scarface 1997
Account of the Ando Gang: Tale of a Scarface
“Gunro no keifu” is known as “Tale of a Scarface.” It follows the life of Kumoro, a yakuza member, who recently is released from prison after serving 14 years for his Family. Upon his return he finds the various yakuza syndicates on the brink of war. Kumoro is, at first, removed from the dealings of the families by his Boss, but slowly he is drawn back into his old ways.
“Gunro no keifu” is known as “Tale of a Scarface.” It follows the life of Kumoro, a yakuza member, who recently is released from prison after serving 14 years for his Family. Upon his return he finds the various yakuza syndicates on the brink of war. Kumoro is, at first, removed from the dealings of the families by his Boss, but slowly he is drawn back into his old ways.
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Release Date:
Jan 01, 1997 (Japan)
Run Time:
2hr 20`
MMPA Rating:
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Cast & Crew of
Account of the Ando Gang: Tale of a Scarface - Account of the Ando Gang: Tale of a Scarface
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director
Produced By
Kenji Ejiri... Producer