The Surfers Are Coming 1998
The Surfers Are Coming
Anne and Niels-Peter live in a fishing village by the North Sea. They are going steady, but Anne thinks everything round there is a bit dull. Things liven up when a group of young German surfers camp on the beach. Anne and her girlfriend think they look smashing, but the local lads haven't much time for them.
Anne and Niels-Peter live in a fishing village by the North Sea. They are going steady, but Anne thinks everything round there is a bit dull. Things liven up when a group of young German surfers camp on the beach. Anne and her girlfriend think they look smashing, but the local lads haven't much time for them.
Videos & Photos
All 0 Videos & 1 Photoscast
Full Cast & CrewCast & Crew of
The Surfers Are Coming - The Surfers Are Coming
Directors & Credit Writers
Peter Bay... Director