An Unlikely Angel 2022
An Unlikely Angel
"An Unlikely Angel" is a heart-warming story about a successful New York City toy executive who faces her biggest challenge yet: being a mom. Janie Caswell, who is fully in control in the boardroom is a complete wreck at the thought of becoming a mom. She is afraid she will get it all wrong--or worse, get it right, then suffer the same illness that took her mom away from her early in life. Through an answer to prayer and the help of a New York cabbie/angel, Janie gets a chance to see what her life could be in the future. Janie realizes that the baby years go by fast, and childhood is too precious a time to waste. Janie is miraculously offered the chance of a "do-over" and relishes every moment of being a wife and new mom.
"An Unlikely Angel" is a heart-warming story about a successful New York City toy executive who faces her biggest challenge yet: being a mom. Janie Caswell, who is fully in control in the boardroom is a complete wreck at the thought of becoming a mom. She is afraid she will get it all wrong--or worse, get it right, then suffer the same illness that took her mom away from her early in life. Through an answer to prayer and the help of a New York cabbie/angel, Janie gets a chance to see what her life could be in the future. Janie realizes that the baby years go by fast, and childhood is too precious a time to waste. Janie is miraculously offered the chance of a "do-over" and relishes every moment of being a wife and new mom.
Videos & Photos
All 1 Videos & 1 Photoscast
Full Cast & CrewDirectors:
Release Date:
Aug 26, 2022
Run Time:
1hr 23`
MMPA Rating:
Original Language:
Cast & Crew of
An Unlikely Angel
Directors & Credit Writers
... Director